The results from this calculator are based on the limited information you input and assumptions made about the future. We don’t consider your personal circumstances including your current lifestyle expenses, other financial commitments like debt or other needs and objectives.
When making any financial decisions you should take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
It is important to consider that increasing your insurance cover for Death or Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) is likely to increase your insurance premiums which, in turn, will reduce your retirement account balance. Before applying for any additional insurance cover you should always check the total weekly cost of that cover.
The outcomes of the calculator are illustrative only to assist you to determine an adequate level of insurance cover, they are not guaranteed, nor do they reflect your ability to obtain underwriting approval for that level of cover.
As any estimate generated by the calculator are based on assumptions (general or default assumptions or assumptions as modified by you), the estimate may not be accurate for your situation if the assumptions are or become inaccurate for any reason including as a result of changes in your personal circumstances or legislative changes.
The assumptions underlying the calculator are consistent with industry standards and you can also change and update some of the assumptions to reflect your personal circumstances but you should carefully consider the appropriateness of doing so.
Because your circumstances, financial markets or tax and other rules can change, we recommend you do a new calculation regularly. The calculations included in the calculator are based on existing legislation and do not take into account any proposed legislative changes.
This calculator cannot predict your insurance requirements with certainty because this will depend on your personal circumstances including unexpected events in your life and external factors that are not inputs allowed for in this calculator.
The calculator should not be relied on for making a decision about a particular financial product or class of financial product and is not a substitute for financial advice.
You should consider getting advice from a licensed financial adviser who can work with you to develop a financial plan specifically tailored to your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Help is available
- As part of your Media Super membership, you have access to our team of financial advisers on 1800 640 886 (option 4). Advice Services can provide advice over the phone about Media Super products and ways to maximise your super for retirement.
- The privacy and security of your personal information is important to Media Super. Your information will be collected and handled in accordance with the Media Super Privacy Policy.